
Friday, 27 February 2015

Week 4 Reflection

27/02/15 Friday January

Today In McCahon class we did reading DLO’s of White socks only and Being Kiwi. White socks only is about white socks, so there was a fountain where people drink from but you couldn’t drink from it because you had to be wearing white socks only, there was a sign saying white socks only. Being kiwi is about who you are and about what you do and what your favourite things are.

In McCahon class we did a spelling test of ,ing,. In our spelling test we were learning words with ‘ing’ in it like taking,making,tasting and driving. There were also other words that start with A like autumn and animals.

After our spelling test we did art of paper mache and we were putting the paper mache on top of our maori patterns of our family. Next we covered the whole piece of cardboard with white paper so the next week we come back to school we can get ready to paint.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Finding China

Goal Setting

How to be a positive learner.

How to be a positive learner in mcCahon class.

To be a positive learner in mcCahon class you need to be organised , to be Knowledgeable and to Focus. ]
When your being a positive learner in mcCahon class you need to be open minded you need to listen and you need to communicate and support others.
Being a positive learner means that you need to be proud of your work, you need to be a thinker and that you need to be Reflective.
Another way of being a positive learner is to do the right choices in what words you use.
Also being a positive learner means to follow the things that you need to do and not to do the wrong things.

In McCahon class we have been learning about learner profile. There are many ideas from the learner profile. For example, be caring, inquires, open minded, and Reflective.
Caring is taking care of people and sharing your ideas and not to think about yourself. Open minded means that you are really thinking of your own work and your own ideas. Being a Risk-takers means that you need to risk things to try and to learn new things.

Open-minded means that you are really thinking of the work you have done. Also open minded means that you need to think about your ideas and you learning that you are going to put into your work. If your wanting to know what open minded means then you have to
open your brain and what I mean from opening your brain is to really think and open your mind and be a great learner.

To be a caring learner means to care about others and to think about others and to share your good or bad ideas with your friends. Also to be a caring mcCahon learner means to think about others and to not only think about yourself and not only to think about your friends to think about how you treat other people. So treat people how you would want to be treated.

I hoped you enjoyed my explanation writing of how to be a positive learner, and my self directed learning. Remember to use growth mindset and learner profile.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

2015 IS HERE!

We are into term 1
 and we are learning new stuff in our new class mcCahon.
We are learning about alka seltzer rocket experience, and we have to new people in our class.
Johan and Sene.
In class we were learning our maths and our reading and writing.
Some of our class got their own pad locks for their lockers.